
10 June 2012

To CFL or Not To CFL

There's no doubt that the light cast by fluorescent lightbulbs is different than that of incandescent lightbulbs. I personally like what Thomas Edison invented and all of my projects (and people) look better in this light as well. But every once in a while, I buy a CFL (compact fluorescent lightbulb) to see if it's any better than I remember, primarily searching for a long life bulb. And each time I am disappointed. CFL's have a way of sucking the color out of what it shines on, and while the picture below is not colorless, it is a far cry from what it really looks like:

This next picture is with an incandescent bulb, and the walls appear yellow, the true color:

I tried a CFL that was classified as "soft white" and this is the result, hmmm, not there yet!

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