
20 June 2012

Protecting Marble Countertops

As you can see in my previous blog entries, marble is beautiful for countertops! Many people shy away from using it because of its tendency to etch and stain.

Etching is caused from things that are highly acidic such as orange juice, coffee, vinegar, wine, tomato products, mustard and soft drinks. On spots where marble has been etched, it is no longer glossy, but dull instead. Staining is caused by common foods including those listed above.

At this point, you may be saying, "Why in the world would I ever put marble in my kitchen?" The answer is SEAL your counters. There are many products designed to seal and protect natural stone. In fact, there is a product made by DuPont that offers a 15 year warranty. This product, as shown below, must be applied by an authorized applicator at the time of installation.

Check with your fabricator that installs your counters to see if he/she is certified. The warranty guarantees that the marble will not stain, it does not protect against etching, but is does give you a little more time to clean the spill before etching begins. For more information about this product, go to

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