
14 February 2012

Save Thousands!

Buying new furniture can cost an arm and a leg, in fact it can cost thousands of dollars! So when my clients, Lois and Bob, we're considering what do with their old dining room furniture, I suggested elbow grease and a can of paint. This is the old table, it's 25 years old, in good condition and made of solid oak. The problem was the finish was dated, (it doesn't look too bad here, but it has a super shiny finish that has yellowed.)

We took the table, 8 chairs, and the buffet table outside and started the process: First, we put paint stripper on everything-make sure you wear gloves and cover your skin, it burns like heck! And then we lightly sanded.

I mixed water with the trim color paint and painted it on, then wiped it off. Working with small sections at a time works best. We were going for a lime washed effect and here it is:

Lois and Bob also applied a coat of this product, in satin, to protect their masterpieces:

After many hours, and sore backs, they are happy with the end product, especially since it saved them so much money!

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