
27 December 2011

Drop Cloth Pillows & Curtains

In an earlier blog, I wrote about making hand towels out of drop cloths. I made a couple throw pillows with the same fabric and they turned out wonderful!

This fabric is leftover from the curtains I made with 15' drop cloths.

These are hanging outside on my back porch. Since I needed 6 panels in an extra tall height, I decided to make my own with drop cloths at $20 per panel and they turned out wonderful too! (Pre-made outdoor fabric panels cost about $100 per panel.)

Then a month went by and they started to mildew--dang! My friend Marybeth has the pre-made outdoor panels and after 3 years, she is just now starting to have problems with mildew. We live close to the coast and have very humid days, so it looks like outdoor curtains made from drop cloths are not for Houston. But I am not giving in just yet-- I will launder, then treat with Scotchguard to see if that makes a difference, wish me luck!

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